Our Monthly Feature:
Energy Oasis
Following the recent success of the Ripon Together Green Fair, Energy Oasis continues to build momentum in their mission to help communities reduce their carbon footprints and make strides toward a greener, more sustainable future. At the event, Mike from Energy Oasis shared valuable insights into how we can make Net Zero Ripon by 2030 a reality. It was an inspiring session that highlighted the vital role local communities and businesses can play in driving the transition to renewable energy.

Achievements and Projects: A Look At Energy Oasis’s Successes
One of their standout projects was the work Energy Oasis has done at the Ripon Tennis Centre. Thanks to their efforts, electricity usage was slashed by half, and carbon emissions were reduced by 4.5 tonnes per year. It’s just one of the many success stories of how Energy Oasis is transforming local energy systems, making a measurable difference in both energy savings and carbon reduction.

But that’s not all—2025 is shaping up to be another exciting year for Energy Oasis. They recently completed an outstanding project at the Chain Lane Community Centre, where they played a key role in securing funding, designing, and implementing a range of energy-saving solutions. From redesigning the lighting and installing an intelligent heating system to adding solar PV with battery storage, and setting up a no-risk, no-cost EV charging solution, Energy Oasis helped the centre reduce their energy costs significantly. They also provided the centre with a new revenue stream. With the EV there is no capital cost and the centre keeps 90% of the revenue generated from people charging at their centre.
As a result, the community centre’s bottom line cost for electricity and gas has been drastically improved, and their carbon footprint reduced. This innovative project is just the start, as Energy Oasis is committed to doing more for community buildings in 2025 and beyond.

Energy Oasis has also been focused on two key areas: community energy and the rural hydrogen economy. With ongoing energy management and reduction activities, they are committed to creating sustainable solutions that empower local communities to take control of their energy future. And there’s more to come in the year ahead.
In another exciting development, Energy Oasis has recently acquired an energy brokerage company with over 20 years of experience. The decision to purchase the company stemmed from two main frustrations:
1. “Take or Buy” Clauses: Energy Oasis became increasingly concerned with the rising trend of energy brokers adding “take or buy” clauses to electricity contracts, effectively locking businesses into paying for energy they don’t use. This practice was highlighted by the FD of a large warehouse who, despite reducing their electricity consumption by 72%, saw no reduction in their costs. Energy Oasis believes this is counterproductive to achieving Net Zero goals and is committed to transparent, fair practices that prioritise energy reduction and efficiency over profit.
2. 100% Green Energy: With the acquisition, Energy Oasis is now in a better position to offer their clients access to 100% green electricity and, where possible, green gas. Their goal is to provide clients with the best possible options to continue their journey toward Net Zero with the most sustainable energy choices available.

Energy Oasis is excited for the year ahead, with plans to continue delivering impactful community projects, expanding their work in the rural hydrogen economy, and supporting businesses and communities in reducing their energy consumption and costs. If you want to find out how to start your Net Zero journey or want to just save some extra money, call them at 01423528239 or email at info@energyoasis.org.uk .